Rufus, Grey Granite and their friend, Yvonne, took part in a Dog Orienteering Event in Aden Country park this afternoon. The 5km route followed a permanent course following winding pathways throughout the park, laid out by Grampian Orienteers, but enhanced for this occasion by having pictures of differing breeds of dogs to identify at each station. Rufus was disappointed that a Border Terrier was not featured and that his human companions have such inadequate breed identification skills, loosing points for failing to identify a couple of breeds. Despite being attacked by a (non participatory) Jack Russell and being soaked by a shower of hailstones, this event was highly enjoyable. Rufus acquitted himself well, remaining focused even when a pair of roe deer were quite close by, he was pleased to make the acquaintance of other dogs including Maisie, a rescued cairn terrier cross. The park is greening up beautifully, there are swathes of daffodils in full bloom, wood sorrel just starting to open, soft new needles on the larches and many other tree buds ready to burst open. This is the first dog orienteering event in which we have participated but we hope to take part in further, possibly more challenging, events. Leaflets outlining the orienteering course are available from the shop at Aden.