Thursday 2 December 2010

Snowy walk

Grey Granite and Rufus have become completely scunnert with restricted urban walks and decided to venture further afield. Despite the depth of snow, 9 -10 inches in places, it was relatively easy going. Rufus, however, got very excited and at times behaved badly wanting to chase any thing that moved, including Grey Granite's feet and passing traffic.

 Mormond Hill from the top of Boothby Road.

The footpath down towards Tesco had been cleared, the snow is soft and grainy,  like Kendal Mint cake, the sparse traffic was moving very slowly and we had  a pleasant walk down to the Bents

The bents were almost deserted apart from forlornly crying curlews

Tiger Hill
Given that all the Fraserburgh schools are closed to most pupils we had anticipated hoards of children sledging. Strichen Road park was as deserted as the beach and in 4 hours of walking we saw only one snowman.

We had the beach almost entirely to ourselves. There were wagtails, a few oyster catchers, scavenging crows and a few seagulls flying overhead. Rufus enjoyed chasing foam and other fairlies, Grey Granite rejoiced in being outside in such beautiful surroundings and peaceful solitude.

The intrepid Rufus, who always gets excited as we approach the beach, led the way impatiently.

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