Tuesday 11 December 2012

Oystercatchers and redshanks at the Broch

Oystercatchers and  a redshank (centre) on the shore near the outflow of the Kessock Burn on Fraserburgh beach. 

This particular spot is often  a popular feeding place for waders, especially when the tide is fairly high. This morning there was a large flock of oystercatchers,  at first sight standing still just above the highest wave point. Some birds were standing on one leg and it soon became apparent that they were actually alternating between jumping up and down on the spot, then standing still for several  seconds, presumably in the manner of blackbirds on  a lawn, trying to lure sand worms to the surface. Grey Granite has never observed this before. A small flock of redshanks ran about the shore, occasionally dashing through the oystercatchers, their feeding technique seemed to involve frenetic scurrying about combing a relatively large  area of beach expending far more energy than that of the oystercatchers.

There were no oystercatchers on the Links today.

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