Grey Granite notices that suddenly, despite alternate days of foul weather and sunshine, there are many clumps of daffodils flowering at the roadside, Spring is prevailing. The clump pictured are garden escapees rather than the wild double variety. As they were being photographed on Good Friday the first small tortoiseshell butterfly of the year was enjoying the warmth of the sun. There had been a ground frost earlier in the morning and snow still lies on the Mormond Hill. surely not waiting for more?
At Pitsligo Castle and in the ash trees at Peathill the raucous rooks are busily increasing their nests. The same nests used year after year and the prudent rooks 'house keep' all year round tidying and repairing storm damage as necessary. Activity is greatest in Spring, at Peathill
an optimistic rook struggled to lift a twig about 30 inches long.Such determination!
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