Thrift (Aremina maritima)
Grey Granite and Rufus walked down the Braes from Braco Park and reached the Pinkie Shore, one of the best places along the coast for the primroses which give the cove its name. One of Grey Granite's earliest memories is of living 'in exile' in England and of listening to her Mother describing the Pinkie Shore and the 'Wastart daisies' (thrift) which at this time of the year form a pink tapestry over the Wastart.
Red Campion (Silene dioica)
The soil at the Pinkie shore is heavy and damp, providing ideal conditions for the primroses
which together with lesser celandines are sprinkled all over the cliff face.
which together with lesser celandines are sprinkled all over the cliff face.
Primroses (Primula vulgaris)
Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
Grey Granite and Rufus enjoyed pottering about in the warm sunshine which during the late afternoon was just catching the shore. Rufus was very enthusiastic about the Pinkie Shore especially the potential for 'bunny hunting'. As yet Rufus has no sense of danger and has to be kept safely on his extending lead. He is also enthusiastic about 'helping' Grey Granite to take photographs of small flowers in particular. His help consists of sitting on Grey Granite's head to protect her from malevolent gulls, (several nest on the cliff face) when she gets down to take the pictures.
Along the coast at Portsoy pinkies are known as spinkies. Dr Anne must take a walk out the braes and have a look this weekend if the weather is good.